
Parents of Child Actors

Parents of Child Actors  Your child has done the hard part, breaking into show business, and the last thing on your mind as a parent is that somebody would try to use your child’s newfound fame to their advantage. Your loss is their gain. I recommend registering your child’s domain name as soon as your child a) works as a principal character in a TV show or film (has a credit on-screen) or b) signs with an agent or manager. The reason for doing this as soon as possible is obvious: there are people out there who register domains of newcomers at the earliest opportunity. If you think to yourself “but my kid isn’t famous yet” you are kidding yourself. There is a segment of the population that will immediately notice a new girl or boy on a TV show and immediately start posting their name around the Internet for other people to see. So what is a domain name and how do you register one? A domain name is the “internet address” you use to find a particular web site. The domain name for the web

The Power Of Songs

The Power Of Songs What do a car ride, a wedding ceremony and any great party have in common? Many things probably, but one thing they have in common for sure is songs. Think about it. So many of our daily activities and our special events include special songs. Think about the things you love to do during the day. Love to watch television? Pretty much any television show is filled with the songs of different musical artists. Do you prefer to go to the mall and shop? If so, take time to listen in each store you enter because you will find that songs make up the background noise at every shopping mall. If you are anything like me you cannot stand being in the car for more than a few minutes without turning on the radio or putting a tape in your player. Why? Because we love to hear songs. The next time you see someone out for a run on your street look closely and you very well might see a small cd player or another musical device that is pumping songs of inspiration into their ears as th

Who Plays Computer Games?

Who Plays Computer Games? Playing computer games was once reserved for the geek of the class who would shut himself away until the early hours of the morning with no company apart from a joystick. This has changed significantly as the standard of graphics and gameplay has improved and the use of computers is even more widely accepted. The advance of the Internet has also made sure that online gaming has become increasingly popular allowing people from all around the world to play against one another or in huge online tournaments. The appeal has spread significantly to what it once was. The first generation of gamers is growing older now and this is coinciding with the introduction of next-generation console games that look and sound much better than was ever dreamt possible ten or twenty years ago. AS such, many of these early gamers continue to play console games and computer games meaning what was predominantly a children's market is shifting upwards in age. It is by no means unc

Movies That Teach The Value Of Faith

Movies That Teach The Value Of Faith Two powerful movies recently released on DVD illustrate the importance of faith and virtue in leading a good life. One, “Mother Teresa,” tells the life story of one of the world’s best-known and most admired women, and “End of the Spear” is the story of five American missionaries to the Waodani Indians of the Ecuadorian jungles. Mother Teresa was an Albanian-born nun who founded the Missionaries of Charity. Called “The Angel of Mercy,” many people considered her the embodiment of a living saint. Her work among the poverty-stricken of Calcutta made her one of the world’s most famous people. She founded her order in 1950 to care for those she called “the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone.” Golden Globe-winner Olivia Hussey illuminates the holy woman’s life story in

Teaching a Child Responsible Behavior Begins at Home

Teaching a Child Responsible Behavior Begins at Home Parents are teachers, too. When it comes to child-rearing, one of the most important lessons a parent can teach their youngster is responsible behavior. This means helping the child learn how to interact with others in a way that displays self-respect, as well as respect toward others. No child comes into this world pre-programmed with good manners and virtuous attributes such as a willingness to share, consideration for the feelings of others, respect for other's possessions, respect for authority figures, and a selfless attitude. Considerate, responsible behavior must be taught while a child is very young so that it is instilled by the time they are older when irresponsible behavior risks evolving into criminal behavior. Teaching a child about responsible behavior begins at home. It is accomplished by setting a good example on a daily basis. Parents do this by being conscientious about exhibiting maturity in the ways they deal